Sad reality: they detect 417 minors living on the streets of Mazatlan


The DIF works to eradicate child labor exploitation through the Office for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, with guidance and legal, social and psychological advice.

MAZATLAN. –  Child labor exploitation in Sinaloa is a sad reality that hundreds of boys and girls go through in the streets, reported the president of the DIF system, Eneyda Rocha Ruiz. 

She explained that, in the face of this problem, the dependency he is in charge of works hand in hand with a work program that they themselves developed called  Panasir, in which the detection of child workers is carried out. 

In this program, minors and their families are located, a census is carried out and their homes are assisted since it recognized that despite the fact that they are homeless, the majority of children have a home. 

“We have a protocol, we attend to it through Panasir , in it we are working with street children , there the children are located, a census is done, they go to their homes because they are not children who do not have houses , they are children who go to work on ships or on the street”.  

Under this program, psychological care is provided to the family, minors are reintegrated into education, and parents are channeled to employment incubators if they do not have one. 

The Children and Adolescents Protection Agency aims to guide and provide legal, social, and psychological advice to family members when their integrity is violated. It is made up of three areas: legal, psychological, and social work. 

The state official mentioned that currently 417 families with children who worked on ships and streets have been detected, and are given follow-up care to continue protecting them.  

“They are cared for, their families are cared for and we see how to integrate them into schools. The municipal DIFs also have support for them; So together we work to eradicate that.”  

According to the INEGI National Child Labor Survey 2019, of the 28.5 million children and adolescents between the ages of 5 and 17 residing in Mexico at the time, 2.2 million worked. 

Of these, two million minors worked in unauthorized occupations and, in turn, of that total, 71.2% were men and 28.8% women. 

Examples of labor exploitation in the streets 

  • kids wipe windshield 
  • Clown kids. 
  • Merchant children. 
  • Juggling children. 
  • Beggar children.


The Mazatlan Post