Victims of crime must file a report says Mazatlan police chief


The Secretary of Public Security insisted that it is necessary for citizens to participate in the complaint against people who commit robberies.

Mazatlan Sinaloa- The Secretary of Public Security, Commander Juan Ramón Alfaro Gaxiola, called on the public to file a complaint when they are the victim of a violent robbery because it is the only way to act at the moment.

He insisted that it is necessary for citizens to participate in denouncing people who commit robberies, referring to the video that went viral on social networks in which a person stocked his pantry and then assaulted a business employee with a knife in the Santa Teresa subdivision.

“From what you can see, the knife was on the counter, but he takes it at the time, you see the struggle, the moment he leaves, you see that he throws the knife inside the store,” he said.

– What’s next?

“We hope that they have filed the complaint. We have identified the person, we are going to stop him at any moment.”

– Do you know if they already filed the complaint?

“There, I ignore it because it depends on the person and the Apolo Group if they went and put it,” explained the police chief.

Asked if they are not worried about the comment of the owner of the robbed business, who asked for reports of the assailant to practically seek justice on his own, Commander Alfaro Gaxiola said that doing so would result in the person falling into an act of violence.

He asked him to let them do their job as Public Security since the person is identified after it is in the database and he rejected that it is the same one who had already committed other assaults on delivery men and groceries in that same area of Santa Teresa and Urbivillas.


The Mazatlan Post