They seek to combat narco culture! ISIC reacts to video filming with “weapons” by Grupo Firme


The delegate, Miguel Ángel Ramírez Jardines, pointed out that it is of great importance that culture and fine arts be brought closer to the neighborhoods with the highest rate of violence, which in Mazatlan are more than 80.

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- In Mazatlan alone, about 80 colonies have been detected with rates of family violencecrime and even narco culture, for this reason it is required that authorities bring the necessary tools to promote healthier environments, said Miguel Ángel Ramírez Gardens. 

In the context of the controversy generated since the beginning of this week by the recording of a video with high caliber weapons, supposedly lies, by the Grupo Firme in a community of Rosario, the delegate of the Sinaloense Institute of Culture in the south said that as an institution they will seek to bring projects closer to children so that they are directed not to replicate these actions. 

“We need to work on a new perspective so that people can think differently, their way of being, their way of thinking, their way of acting, that is, their cultural way of living, existing, doing or promoting community culture, It is mainly the vulnerable communities that we are going to promote things there.”

He mentioned that the recently started courses and workshops at the Museum of Art, literature, painting, music, and theater, will seek, with the support of the municipal government, to replicate them in the popular neighborhoods or those detected as the most conflictive, within the seven Community Development Centers, with the intention that young people and children can approach culture and fine arts. 

He asserted that the ISIC delegation will not only work to promote artistic activities, but will go further, to permeate and train people to be trained so that they themselves can generate new expressions, new cultural meanings, and otherwise understand life and society. 

Ramírez Jardines, indicated that among the neighborhoods with the highest concentration of marginalization and where the issues of violence or the influence of narcoculture are most deeply rooted, where the accent must be placed to raise the quality of life, are the World Cup, Happiness, the Colosio, Valles del Ejido, Azteca, Anáhuac, Francisco I. Madero and Pino Suárez, among others.

He closed the topic of controversy, with the comment that each artist, interpreter or group will have their musical ‘bet’, although they should consider thoroughly reviewing the lyrics or content they show their fans, since, if it is not their intention to defend crime, criminal groups could take these references as signs of support for their illicit activities, which would also generate a role model among people.


The Mazatlan Post