New cargo port has its firm vision in Mazatlán


The railway corridor will allow the commercial exchange to Canada, the progress of this project is already marked in the USMCA, points out Guillermo Romero Rodríguez

Mazatlán, Sin.- The railway economic corrector that will connect northwest Mexico with the United States of North America and even Canada, is a reality that begins to strengthen more and more, before the construction of the new port, which will be located between Mazatlán and San Ignacio, Guillermo Romero Rodríguez pointed out.

The secretary-general of the Mazatlán National Chamber of Commerce indicated that the new port will be located at the height of Dimas Station, from where the door to the north of the American Continent will be opening and consolidating to a competitive market and positioning Sinaloa as a strong link to create new commercial exchanges.

“When we talk about a new port, well we talk that we are going to improve the cargo issue, the increase, right now in Mazatlán we handle around 40 thousand containers per year and with this new port, approximately 4 million containers, this will to be located on the Dima side, on the beachside, that’s where the cargo ships will arrive ”. 

Romero Rodríguez commented that in July they will hold some meetings to draw up the route, in which they have already had the presence, in this area, of investors and the same federal Ministry of Economy to promote this megaproject that will give greater strength to Mazatlán.

“Already from the moment that the lands are being seen, because it has already started, this is a project that has already started, since Mazatlán is already locating where it will be between the part of Mazatlán and the part of San Ignacio, as you know because it is the Aerospace park is also in the same area, there are several industrial projects that are going to be on the maxi runway towards Mazatlán-Culiacán, some before reaching the booth and others passing the toll booth ”.

The new port as a cargo center, he said, will be the one with the best connectivity for the north, even the mobility of 4 million containers per year as projected, will almost double what they move today in Colima and the port of Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán.


The Mazatlan Post