There are 7 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Sinaloa, one in Mazatlan


To date, there are 7 confirmed cases of COVID19 in Sinaloa, the state health authorities reported.

Which are located as follows:

1 Los Mochis (Male 25 years old)
1 Mazatlán (Male 47 years old)
5   Culiacán (female 25, 30 and Male 26, 55, 72)

They reported that only the 55 and 72-year-old males from Culiacán are hospitalized but stable, the rest are isolated in their homes and with follow-up to avoid infections.

In the same statement, they reported that there are currently 23 suspected cases from Los Mochis, Mazatlán and Culiacán, pending results from the State Laboratory.

In addition, they said that they are working in the hospital conversion to be ready when it is necessary.

In the meantime, support the #QuedateEnCasa for people whose departure is not essential.

Contact number or exclusive information for Sinaloa is 667 713 0063
