For a year now, independent groups that monitor the environment have warned that the city of La Paz will be the first to exhaust its water reserves in the Americas.

Many people thought that was an exaggerated opinion, but today it seems to be a reality because something they didn’t take into account is that there are dozens of tourist developments like hotels and residences in the process of being built.

Faced with the new hotel projects, the most important environmental organizations in Baja California Sur joined together to request an urgent meeting with the Mayor of La Paz, Ruben Muñoz Alvarez, so that he can present a plan to deal with all these constructions, which will require water, electricity, and new people who will come to live there.

They are known as high-impact developments and, at present, the water supply is not even sufficient to cover the needs of the city, where an average of 12 people arrive for every new hotel room that is built.

It should be noted that in La Paz there are very delicate ecosystems such as Balandra, Espiritu Santo and El Mogote, which can no longer withstand any more aggressions.

In addition, in 2019 there were electricity blackouts because is not enough capacity to generate it and this will be repeated this year.

It is urgent that the mayor of La Paz respond, before it is too late.
The most important environmental organizations in Baja California Sur are:
Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental A.C. (CEMDA), Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA), Centro para la Diversidad Biológica, Colectivo de Académicos Sudcalifornianos A.C., Cómo Vamos La Paz A.C, Ponguinguiola A.C. y la Sociedad de Historia Natural Niparajá A.C.

The Mazatlan Post