Without giving details, Mexico says it arrested alleged criminals who massacred the LeBarón family


Security Secretary Alfonso Durazo declined to specify the amount or possible affiliation to a criminal group of those arrested for the brutal murder of nine members of the LeBarón and Langford families last week on a remote road to the border between the states of Chihuahua and Sonora.

The Mexican government said Monday that it arrested alleged criminals responsible for the killing of nine members of the LeBarón and Langford families last week in a remote area of ​​the mountains between the states of Chihuahua and Sonora.

“There are detainees, but it is not for us to provide information, since the investigation is already in the hands of both the Attorney General of the State of Sonora, and in the hands of the Attorney General’s Office, which is responsible for administering this collaboration “in which the FBI of the United States also participates, Security Secretary Alfonso Durazo told reporters.

The official declined to answer how many people were arrested or if they were affiliated with any criminal group. “They are fully identified,” the secretary said simply to questions from the press.

Last week, the government said a press conference that the murder of three women and six children from this Mormon community settled for decades in Chihuahua was perpetrated amid territorial confrontation between the La Line criminal group, linked to the Juarez Cartel, and the Los Salazar organization, related to the Sinaloa Cartel.

Those groups collided in the early hours of November 4, hours before the fierce ambush against the three vans in which the LeBarón and the Langford traveled a dirt road that they used to take regularly, said Homero Mendoza, chief of the Defense Staff National.

According to Mendoza, these trucks – Chevrolet Tahoe and Suburban types – are used by criminals of organized crime in the Mexican highlands, so they would have been confused by the members of La Linea who sought to prevent the entry of Los Salazar which they consider their territory.

The family, however, has flatly rejected that assertion, especially because the trucks did not travel behind each other but were attacked at different points, and because in one case a mother was shot even when she left the vehicle with her arms. stop to try to stop the shooting.

“They killed, stole, there were caps attached to the truck, I wonder where the confusion is?” Said Adrián LeBarón at that time in an interview with a local media.

The massacre has called into question the “hugs, not bullets” strategy coined by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and represented another blow to his government’s efforts to contain violence in Mexico, where 22,059 malicious killings have been recorded in the first nine months of this year, according to official figures.

Last month, the failed operation to stop Ovidio Guzmán , son of drug trafficker Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán, ridiculed López Obrador’s government , as they decided to release him in the middle of the fierce offensive mounted by armed men to avoid his apprehension firing heavy caliber weapons and sowing chaos in broad daylight in the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa.

Relatives and friends of the Mormon community LeBarón said goodbye this Saturday to Christina Marie Langford (29), the last of the 9 victims of the deadly attack that last Monday claimed the lives of 9 of its members (6 women and 3 children). On a simple wooden coffin, made by the same relatives, images of Christina were placed in which she appears with her children and her husband who survive. The coffin was crowned by a floral arrangement in which “mommy” (mommy) was read in white flowers.

Source: univision

The Mazatlan Post