USD sells at 19.58 pesos in Mexican banks

MEXICO.- This morning, the free dollar opens the day with a decline of four cents compared to yesterday’s close, when sold at a maximum price of 19.58 pesos, and bought at a minimum of 18.15 pesos in bank branches of the City of Mexico.
The Bank of Mexico (Banxico) reported in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) that the exchange rate to settle operations denominated in foreign currency payable in the country is 19,278 pesos, Notimex reports.
Likewise, the Interbank Interest Rates of Equilibrium (TIIE) at 28 and 91 days are placed at 8.5642 and 8.5737 percent, the first without changes and the second with an advance of 0.0052 percentage points.

Source: Casa Bambio

The Mazatlan Post