Mazatlán is among the most competitive cities in Mexico


It is considered one of the cities with the greatest capacity to generate, attract and retain talent and investment

MAZATLAN. – Mazatlán ranked as the most competitive city among those with 500 thousand to million inhabitants nationwide, this information was released by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO) which shares the Urban Competitiveness Index every year, to know the performance and challenges that each city presents.

The port stands out among 23 cared for by an attractive tourist sector, and the stability of its economy, in addition to being the second city with the least infant mortality and with the highest water treatment in operation, in this same category it is located, but in second place Culiacán, Sinaloa.

Monterrey positioned itself as the city with more than one million inhabitants with the greatest capacity to generate, attract and retain talent and investment from all over Mexico, followed by Saltillo, Guadalajara, Querétaro, Valle de México, Chihuahua and Aguascalientes.

The proposals

For people to find more and better opportunities, they need cities:

Safety: For the inhabitants of a city to be able to interact and decide freely, their physical and legal security are crucial. On average, the cities reduced the rate of homicides and kidnappings, although the crime rate increased. The safest cities are Mérida, Saltillo and La Laguna, while the least safe are Tijuana, Juárez and Cuernavaca.

Innovative: Cities can be hotbeds for creativity and the generation of ideas that promote personal and social development and growth. Comparing with the previous edition of the ICU, it can be seen that the number of quality postgraduate courses and research centers present in cities decreased for every one hundred thousand economically active people.

Connected: Collaboration is a key to shared prosperity, so building physical networks that facilitate it is an important element to improve competitiveness. Among the 66 cities, only three urban areas allocate more than 10% of the federal funds for mobility to investment in public transport: Puebla-Tlaxcala, Guadalajara, and CDMX and the metropolitan area (59 municipalities of the State of Mexico and one in Hidalgo).

What is needed?

In order to have more competitive cities, planning and coordination are needed between the municipal presidents:

Coordination. Implement a coordination figure that interacts with other actors (private sector, academia, civil society organizations, etc.) and has management power of dual infrastructure.

Investment in infrastructure can be focused on solving more than one problem. This must be accompanied by feasibility, risk and cost-benefit studies.

Digital management. Governments must use digital tools to be more efficient, reduce costs and facilitate access to services.
