“Hoy No Circula” may be implemented in Mazatlan


Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The proposal made by the director of Roads and Transportation, Miguel Loaiza Pérez, which seeks to gradually solve the problem of road congestion that exists on several of the main routes of Mazatlán, was well received by the citizens.

In a survey carried out by Los Noticieristas, they expressed that since the return to face-to-face classes, traffic has become an ordeal compared to other years, where people knew what the peak hours were, that is why, a measure of this nature, they don’t see it as crazy.

“It would be important that this system also be applied, since previously we said that at 08:00 in the morning, at 07:00, at 01:00 and at 06:00 or 07:00 at night, but no, it’s all day, “commented Carmen Alcaraz.

“Very good, it would be perfect…everything has to be regularized, the public service of taxis and buses, that it be balanced,” said Raymundo Betancourt.

But, accepting this initiative comes with challenges, since the porteños consider that the fact that this measure is effective in Mexico City is due to the alternatives of public transport to which the inhabitants of the capital have access, so it should consider increasing the number of units available and improving the service for users.

“They should put more buses as well, because if they come full in the mornings…because I have had to come in the mornings and the busescomes full, almost, almost, sometimes you leave the door,” said Trinidad Serrano.

“Let it be balanced, so that the service does not affect the user,” said Raymundo Betancourt.

The proposal of “Hoy no Circula” for the port of Mazatlan, for the moment only counting on establishing weekends, which is when there is a greater presence of tourists, who sometimes visit the port with their private vehicles, causing there to be areas where they can spend hours to move from one point to another in the city.

Source: losnoticieristas.com

The Mazatlan Post