Don’t risk it! If you have a gun at home, donate it; Exchange campaign announced in southern Sinaloa


In the municipalities of Mazatlán, Concordia and San Ignacio, the exchange modules will be activated; will be delivered from 2 thousand to 6 thousand pesos, in addition to cell phones and tablets.

Sinaloa.- The Firearms Exchange campaign will continue to be active in the south of the state and it will be starting next Monday, October 3, when the modules will be launched now in MazatlánConcordia, and San Ignacio, so that the population from these municipalities go to get rid of weapons and explosives that represent a danger to their families.

Whoever comes to exchange will receive from 2 thousand to 6 thousand pesos in cash, depending on the caliber and condition of the artifact, and if it is in excellent condition, an extra cell phone or tablet will be delivered.

The exchange module in Mazatlán will be installed in the portals of the city hall, while the one in San Ignacio will be located in the square, in front of the Municipal Palace, and the one in Concordia inside the city hall; They will all be active from October 3 to 14, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The modules are operated by the personnel of the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) and the municipalities, in coordination with the Executive Secretary of the State System of Public Security (SESESP); meanwhile, military personnel are in charge of receiving weapons and classifying them to establish the amount to be delivered to citizens.

The head of the SESESP, Ricardo Jenny del Rincón, reminded the population that the exchange is totally anonymous, so no identification or data of the exchanger is requested.

Likewise, he explained that since the campaign was launched, 11 municipalities have been visited, where 322 weapons and explosives have been exchanged, of which 201 weapons are permitted by law, 60 for the exclusive use of the Army, 8 high-impact weapons (mainly submachine guns ), 23 grenades, 30 homemade or homemade weapons and more than a thousand ammunition of different calibers.

So far, with this campaign, 751 thousand 454 pesos have been delivered in cash incentives to redeeming citizens, as well as 35 technological equipment for weapons in excellent condition and 100 toys for girls and boys who, accompanying an adult, have exchanged toys warlike.

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The Mazatlan Post