Mazatlan City starts campaign ‘In the rainy season, let the water flow’

Public Services begins with cleaning in the Estero del Infiernillo

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. – Before the start of the rainy season and so that the population becomes aware of not throwing garbage in streams or bodies of water in Mazatlan, the Directorate of Public Services with the support of other City Hall agencies, started this Saturday the campaign of cleaning “In the rainy season, let the water flow”, an activity that began on the banks of the Estero del Infiernillo, reported David Ibarra Olmeda, head of the area.

They started on Juan Pablo II Avenue, in the section that includes the height of Insurgentes Avenue until reaching Gabriel Leyva, because they detected that in the Estero del Infiernillo there are garbage dumps that not only affect the families that live in this area but also causes pollution in the sea.

Ibarra Olmeda, made a call to the general public to avoid littering in the city, and in turn, they can report people who carry out this negative practice by calling 6699158000 with extensions 2605 and 2604.

“It is to make the population aware that they do not throw garbage on the banks of the Infiernillo Estuary because we have detected that there is contamination, because it has become customary to throw things (garbage) and the Estuary is being filled with a lot of garbage,” he commented.

The official added that they began at 7:00 a.m. with the campaign “In the rainy season, let the water flow” in the Estero del Infiernillo area with the support of 60 workers from different areas of the City Council who removed almost 10 tons of garbage. in 4 trips of dump trucks full of solid waste collected in the area.

The next cleaning day is scheduled for Friday, May 20, in the section that includes the Quintero League sports fields up to the Rotary Park in the Antonio Toledo Corro neighborhood.


The Mazatlan Post