Putrid non-residual water is dumped into the sea, clarifies Mazatlan Public Works


The municipal official explained that the water was accumulating in the system, hence it has taken on that smell and color, and when precipitation fell, the sump pumps turned on automatically.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- They were putrefied waters and not black waters, the waste that was dumped into the sea last weekend in a single one of the Golden Zone, clarified the director of Public Works, Luis Gerardo Núñez Gutiérrez, this after the video that was spread on social networks last weekend.


The images show how hundreds of liters of foul-smelling water come out of a tube and are being dumped into the sea, this in the presence of dozens of bathers who were at that time on El Sábalo 2 beach and which caused displeasure to the thought to be sewage.

The municipal official explained that the water was accumulating in the system, hence it has taken on that smell and color, and when precipitation fell, the pumps turned on automatically, since the rainwater system had recently been maintained, so an operation test was carried out and it was left working in this mode.

Said test, he added, was not carried out by Public Works, but by the company that was hired for its maintenance, which vented it to the sea when there were already bathers on the beach.

However, he mentioned that this did not affect it because it was rainwater and was not drained.

“It’s rainwater, nothing else when it rains acts, as long as it doesn’t rain it doesn’t reach level and they don’t pour water. If you put water in a bucket and leave it for a long time it turns black, no (…) and people were alarmed thinking another thing,” he mentioned.

He added that the eight pumping stations built in Zona Dorada to mitigate floods are in perfect condition to face the rainy season.

The eight pumping stations were built in 2020 with an investment of 35 million pesos, in order to drain rainwater in the Golden Zone and mitigate flooding.

Source: elsoldemazatlan.com.mx

The Mazatlan Post