These are the 4 dirtiest neighborhoods in Mazatlan! Check if yours is on the list


In these areas, garbage trucks pass daily and not three times a week as is normally done in the rest of the city.

MAZATLAN. – Despite the continuous warnings by the City Council to take out the garbage at the corresponding times, residents of some Mazatlan neighborhoods continue to ignore this request and today they have become the most problematic areas for garbage in the city.  

Which are? According to the director of Public Services, José David Ibarra Olmedo, the neighborhoods that pollute the most are Infonavit: Infonavit Playa, Jabalines, Alarcón, and Conchi. He said that less than two hours after the garbage truck does its work, the streets are full of waste again.  

“They are the most conflictive, the truck passes in the morning and I go back three hours later and it is full of garbage again.”  

In our port, the garbage collection service is provided regularly three times a week, alternating days to cover all areas: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday the service is provided to a part of the municipality, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday to other colonies. But in the aforementioned areas, the service is provided on a daily basis due to the large amounts of garbage that are generated in them.  

Currently, the municipality has a fleet of 43 collection trucks and although it is not an ideal number for the garbage issue, Ibarra Olmedo considered that it is not about increasing the number of units, but about making people aware, since there are 100 trucks, garbage will continue to be a problem in the municipality if the citizens themselves do not do their part.  

“People need to be made aware that garbage passes on such days and at such times and that day they have to take it out and not the day before. It is also being aware among the citizens so that they do their bit, they cannot leave it alone to the city council”.  

Electric trucks  

Although he did not specify an exact date, Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres announced that electric garbage trucks would arrive in the municipality. The mayor specified that 43 trucks with this type of energy will be purchased from the outset. He assured that the change to electric units would be in stages, first the garbage trucks would be replaced to later go in other directions.  

With this, the city council seeks to save fuel and avoid spending millions of dollars on gasoline.   


The Mazatlan Post