Mazatlan Bee season: They take care of the “queens” of nature

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- In Mazatlan the time has come when bees seek to migrate and on their way, or in their rest, they take possession of any place, sometimes public, other times in a home or in a tree.

Seeing thousands gathered, people get scared, some act cautiously, but others begin to pour soapy water on them or try to crush them, which scares them and causes them to “sting” people

The commander of the Mazatlán Volunteer Fire Department, Édgar Peinado Beltrán, reported that the bee season has already begun and that some reports of swarms in the city have even been dealt with extemporaneously, but that there is still no significant upturn in services. .

“According to the beekeeping protection law, the bee is protected in Mexico and in the world for being one of the most important pollinators on the planet, that is, we are going to make the maximum effort to avoid eliminating swarms, unless the emergency or the risk situation warrants it, but we are going to be working in alliance with a specific beekeeper who brings the protection of the bee in Mazatlan and with whom the Beekeepers Union is available to instead of eliminating, capturing and relocating them”, he explained.

He indicated that the bees will continue to do their work, contributing to the pollination of the planet and continue to have the benefits that the bee gives to citizens.

Peinado Beltrán clarified that a swarm of bees is not an emergency, since as long as no one bothers them, nothing will happen, since they are just passing through.

“It is their travel time, they rest for 24 or 48 hours and then leave, if they find a suitable place to nest, it does happen that they swarm there, but the first action is to try to rescue that swarm and relocate it if the risk or danger is latent for people, we will have to act in some other way, but we are going to avoid as much as possible, and that message is for all citizens, to avoid killing bees as much as possible, ”he said.

The swarming period for bees runs from mid-March to the end of June.


For Peinado Beltrán, in the past year, of the 100 percent of bee swarm reports, 90 percent could be rescued, relocated, and attended by beekeeping professional.

However, he indicated that the remaining 10 percent, due to the risk they represented, had to be exterminated for the justification of having lives at risk.

“Yes, the times came when the reports were up to 50 daily, little by little they were attended to, the bees were relocated and yes, there were favorable numbers on that subject, and this year, we hope that 100 percent they can be captured and relocated, that is the trend, that is the objective, however, if there are lives at risk we will have to act accordingly, all with the justification of safeguarding the lives of citizens”, announced the commander of the Voluntary Corps of Mazatlan firefighters.

Peinado Beltrán recalled that within last year’s statistics, out of a thousand reports, only two attacked a person or living being, but everything is because someone confronted them, hit them or attacked them and they reacted accordingly.

He explained that if they locate a swarm, they will delimit the area and prevent children from playing nearby and vehicles from driving as far away as possible, but above all, avoid disturbing and attacking them because they act as a natural reaction to protect themselves.


In case of detecting a swarm:

  • Do not disturb them and report it to Civil Protection.
  • Alert the public
  • Keep calm
  • Suspend any type of activity near the swarm, and avoid sudden movements
  • Avoid loud or unpleasant colors, smells and noises
  • Do not use fire or insecticides
  • And above all, or try to capture them.


  • Run in zigzag and look for a shelter
  • Produce smoke as white as possible
  • Hide in a safe place
  • Do not do things that increase their irritation such as noise, noise, strong or unpleasant odors, crushing bees, since the smell of the poison attracts their companions.
  • Do not make sudden movements or run.


  • Immediately remove the stinger with scraping technique
  • Do not press with fingers or tweezers
  • Do not apply alcohol or massage the affected area
  • If the patient has allergic irritation, transfer to a hospital

The Mazatlan post