Mazatlan City Councilors against citizen consultation for Carnival

To decide the Carnival, something so important and transcendental cannot be put in a small number of voters, especially because the health and life of Mazatlecos is put at risk.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Regidores of the Mazatleco Council expressed their opinion regarding the Popular Consultation next Sunday, where for the second year again the citizens will decide if there is Carnival or not.

Councilors against citizen consultation for Carnival, it is out of place they point out

For the councilor of the PAS, Reinaldo Meza González, the mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, has to assume this type of decisions and commitments as a municipal authority

“A consultation is not needed, that is out of place, really. I believe that it is an extremely important issue, the issue of health, which the competent authority and the authority that really understands the issue of health, is the Health Council, is the one that will have to decide, “he explained.

Popular Inquiry Pictures

Meza González, explained that with the Citizen Consultation that is intended to be held next Sunday, practically the Mayor Benítez, becomes like Pontius Pilate, he washes his hands.

“I believe that this type of responsibilities cannot be left to the citizen, that is why the citizen voted for a municipal president and he is the one who has to assume responsibility and make the decision,” he said.


For his part, Roberto Rodríguez Lizárraga, maintained in a personal capacity that health cannot be played in a ‘volado’ flip of a COIN.

“We are going to see how the question is and we are going to see who is responsible for carrying out that citizen consultation and I would rather it be the Secretary of Health, whether state or federal, who gives the final ruling on, if it is going to happen or not the Carnival”, he expressed.

Rodríguez Lizárraga, recognized that something so important and transcendental cannot be put in a small number of voters, especially because the health and lives of Mazatlecos are put at risk.


The Mazatlan Post