Video: Rows of entire blocks! Sinaloans set the example to cast their vote


Despite the strong sun that is registered, citizens showed up at the voting centers and waited many minutes in line for their turn, always with a healthy distance

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Punctual, the Sinaloans went out to vote starting at 8 in the morning this Sunday and there has been so much intention to participate in the democratic day, that long lines, sometimes of entire blocks, are registered in various squares throughout the entire entity.

Always wearing face masks and keeping a healthy distance, citizens are waiting several minutes for it to be their turn to cast their vote and express their support for the candidates they consider to be the best.

These long lines have been reported in colonies such as La Campiña, Terranova and Valle Alto, in Culiacán

Something similar has happened in Ahome. Even the PRI-PAN-PRD candidate for governor, Mario Zamora, had to wait several minutes. The same happened with Rubén Rocha Moya, from Morena-PAS, who voted in a polling place in the Las Quintas neighborhood, in Culiacán.

The polls opened at 8 in the morning and will close at 6 in the afternoon. More than 2 million Sinaloans are summoned to the polls and will elect the new governor or governor, the 18 municipal presidents, the 40 local deputies, and 7 federal deputies.


The Mazatlan Post