San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas.- After conducting a criminal analysis of the last weeks of November, the Municipal Police determined to increase patrols and preventive operations in 25 strategic points of the city, which will take place from December the first.

The patrols and operations will be reinforced in Alcanfores, Altejar, San Juan de Los Lagos, September 14, Maestros de México, Molino Utrilla and Ojo de Agua, to name a few, as well as the neighborhoods of El Relicario, San Ramón, Mexicanos, Revolución Mexicana and the Downtown Area of San Cristóbal.
As a result of various operations, the Municipal Police arrested 12 people in the last week of November for various crimes, which were persecuted by the Public Ministry of the District Los Altos and Indigenous Justice prosecutors, as well as 47 people, who were presented before the qualifying judge, who determined compliance with the arrest.
When evaluating the actions comprised from November 23 to 29 this year, the Police reported that, of the total arrests, 50 percent correspond to the crime of family violence, followed by homicide, with 40 percent and finally, with 10 percent of the cases misdemeanors.
Likewise, during this period, the corporation detailed that a total of 37 situations were attended, including complaints, criminal acts, and interview, of which the highest number of incidents corresponds to injuries, family violence, people without vital signs, threats, damages, house robbery, vehicle, and business robbery, burglary, attacks on communication routes, damages to municipality and personal property dispute between individuals, to name a few.