Taquerias among the largest polluters in Mazatlan


* There are 18 businesses fined for contaminating

Convenience stores, pharmacies, taquerías, and large companies, are the ones that are generating more garbage, so it is leading to more operations to find violaters and fines for polluting the environment. 

María de Lourdes San Juan Gallardo, director of Ecology and Environment, said that education is important to people applying sanctions. 

“If we don’t apply sanctions it will be difficult,” she said. 
The Ecology management has already started operations to see where more garbage is being registered and it was detected that it is out of business, so fines began to be applied. 

“We have 18 businesses that have been sanctioned, convenience stores, pharmacies, taquerías, and large companies are the ones that pollute the most,” she said.

We are reviewing everything, he said, how much they have, how much they pay, since it is being detected that they are generating more garbage than they report.

Source: sel

The Mazatlan Post