Mazatlan inaugurates its renovations of Fort March 31

The mayor of Mazatlán said that the municipality invested a minimal amount and that they were donations from citizens to improve the site

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- This afternoon the Municipal Government and the State Government will officially inaugurate Fort 31 de Marzo, a historic and emblematic site by the Mazatlan people to remember the defense of the port against the French.

The mayor, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, reported that both the Fueret 31 de Marzo and the Casa del Marino, located on Paseo Claussen, have already been delivered to the municipality.

“Today he delivers two things to the city, Fort March 31 to be usufruct and use of the city and the Casa del Marino that is included,” he said.


Benítez Torres indicated that this space will be exclusive for cultural events, which allow both locals and tourists to enjoy family moments.

“For now, our fortress number 1 is Fort 31 de Marzo, it is going to be a historical and tourist cultural center, that’s what it will become, promote it and have many cultural events, and that the Mazatlan be proud of their origins”.

“For now we are going to put bathrooms in it, we are going to make a cafeteria in front and everything is donated by citizens who want Mazatlán, what we are going to invest will be minimal, such as lighting, painting so that every day, at any point of these two bays look and attract attention, “he detailed.

As for the Casa del Marino, the first mayor stated that for the moment the premises will not be touched in terms of maintenance or investment in it, due to legal and historical issues that are on the table.


The Mazatlan Post