Any citizen who infringes the law will be punished with actions such as burning trash, cutting down trees, and even companies for pouring black water, warned María Lourdes San Juan.
Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Through the inspectors of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Mazatlan, a sanction was applied to a person in the Villa Union Sindicatura for cutting trees, María Lourdes San Juan Gallardo revealed.
In this tenor, warned to punish all citizens who incur in violating the law with actions such as; burn garbage, cut down trees and even, to the companies for pouring black water in the road.
“Only in Villa Unión for logging have we applied fines; only one per tree felling in Villa Union, for a citizen report “
“… again, the citizen’s report is very important because if I’m seeing my neighbor take out an ax, a saw and cut the tree even if he’s on his sidewalk he has to ask for permission,” he said.
He said that the police station in El Quemado will be supported with several trash cans so that they do not deposit their waste in the street, and in this way contribute to the generation of an environmental culture.
“Next week I hope we can agree on a suitable vehicle to take, along with Aseo Urbano, these garbage bins and assign it to the authorities to take care of them and they are not throwing garbage all over the town”, he pointed
San Juan Gallardo indicated that the fine applied by Ecology to this person from Villa Union ranges between 4,600 pesos, but the figure varies according to the damage caused by the environment.
Source: linea Directa
The Mazatlan Post