ALERT: Rains in Sinaloa are expected to intensify


Torrential rains are forecast for the next three hours in most of the state 

 For the next three hours it is expected that rains will intensify in the state of Sinaloa where torrential rains will be reached that can reach 240 liters per square meter, the National Water Commission (Conagua) reported through Your National Weather. 

In his report, he points out that during this day there will be strong storms that will be accompanied by lightning, wind gusts, and possible hailstorms. It will also have a hot and windy atmosphere from the west with gusts exceeding 70 kilometers per hour. 

These weather conditions may cause landslides, increased river and stream flows and floods in low-lying areas of the state. 

The rains will appear stronger in the municipalities of the south of the state and during the day the cloud bands will advance towards the north of Sinaloa. 

Therefore, SMN urges citizens to take precautions to avoid any tragedy.

Source: el debate, conagua, smn

The Mazatlan Post