Use of social media and smartphones can convert Mexico into digital power


The country is taking speed in its digitalization, however, it still has challenges to overcome as the strengthening of its governmental institutions, assured the dean of businesses of the Fletcher Institute.

The use of social networks and smartphones will turn Mexico into a digital power, due to the generation of data that will allow the creation of products for Mexican consumers, estimated Bhaskar Chakravorti.

In his participation in the Digital Payments Summit, the dean of businesses of the Fletcher Institute pointed out that Mexico is doing a good job in digital accessibility, however, still has challenges in the creation of databases that are of quality.

Bhaskar Chakravorti based his estimates on Mexico in the Digital Evolution Index, which took into account 140 variables, including technological supply, governance, and regulations, to name a few.

He also consultant in economics exposed that according to the study Mexico is in the quadrant of countries digital players, which are advancing in digital progress.

Thanks to its progress in digitalization, Mexico has contact with the group of the most digitized countries in the world, which are Estonia, Israel, the United Kingdom, South Korea and New Zealand, says Chakravorti.

The rapprochement with these countries will allow Mexico to learn from the technological practices of these countries, he added.

However, the consultant said that Mexico still has challenges in terms of institutions, labor inclusion, human capital training, environment and freedom of rights, which are key points in digitalization.

Source: forbes

The Mazatlan Post