Mazatlan Fishing Tournament, ready to start on March 7 and 8


Mazatlan will have the III State Fishing Tournament

It will be held on March 7 and 8 by Cerritos, it is open to the general public and the “catch and release” will be adopted

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- It will host the third State and Selective Shore Fishing Tournament, on March 7 and 8, at Delfines Beach, along the course of the Ocean.

For this, the Ministry of Tourism and the organizing committee launched an invitation to all who like sport fishing to be part of the event whose characteristic will be “catch and release.”

The director of Social Tourism, Trinidad Osuna Lizárraga, on behalf of the Secretary of Tourism, Oscar Pérez Barros, said in a press conference that, sustainable fishing and sports tourism have rebounded, for that reason, for the Sectur it is important to promote This type of activities, and above all, maintain a part of the identity of Mazatlan that is represented by sport fishing.

In this case, the Secretary of Tourism Óscar Pérez Barros argued that sport fishing in Mazatlan is and will be a strong tourist attraction because of the diversity of species it has, and for this event surely things will work out, for the great motivation that always They have had those who are dedicated to it.

In turn, Waldir Núñez, president of the Pescados club, and Alejandro Gallardo, of the same organization, reported that on Saturday, March 7 they will hold a mixed bait and decoy tournament from 3 to 6 in the afternoon, and Sunday only with decoy, from 6 to 11 in the morning; in the latter case the first place will take 10 thousand pesos; the second 5 thousand and the third, 3,500, rewarding the heaviest fish.

The intention of the tournament is to promote sustainable sport fishing and the preservation of species, releasing all catches; If one does not survive, it will become the property of the organizing committee and will be donated to a charity, they added.

For now, fishermen from Sonora, Jalisco, Nayarit, Chihuahua, Durango, and Sinaloa have already been confirmed, as well as Canadian and US residents.

They said they expect at least 200 participants after the second edition added 186 and the winners will integrate the selective to attend the national tournament.

Source: sel, linea directa

The Mazatlan Post