Despite lower prices, Mazatlan tourist are not buying fish


Fish vendors normally work from 7 to 11 in the morning, but the shortage in sales has caused them to wait 3 more hours for possible a hopeful sale

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Summer vacation season has not increased fish sales for vendors of the Playa Norte embarcadero, after registering sales of only 40 percent.

The president of the Union of Merchants of Marine Products, María del Rosario Flores Galindo, commented the few sales contrast with the 70 percent they had in 2018, where the holidays started late.

Last year was good, last year this month we already had a good sale by tourists who come to this part of the port, where they take the opportunity to buy fresh fish.

Galindo flowers

He said, the few sales have caused them to stay open until 2 in the afternoon, although they usually stop selling at 11 in the morning

In spite of the few consumptions, he indicated the prices remain accessible, where people can buy lisa or mojarra at 50 pesos a kilo.

Image result for mojarra

Source: el sol de mazatlan

The Mazatlan Post