Mazatlan says yes to the prohibition of single-use plastics


Council members of the Commission of Ecology are working to present before the Cabildo, the first initiative that limits the use of highly polluting articles with a view to a Law that restricts them.

The City of Mazatlan is working on an official proposal that will allow the first municipality in Sinaloa to prohibit the use of plastic items; the first will be to limit the use that limits the distribution of straw, glasses, plates and grocery bags.

The councilman Adalberto Valle Pérez, president of the Commission of Urbanism, Ecology and Public Works, reported that the councilors, including other committees, are convinced to legislate in favor of the environment and stop the distribution of these plastics.

Last week UNAM researchers and the director of Ecology and Environment, Lourdes Sanjuan Gallardo, announced the discovery of plastic micro on beaches of the port, its impact on marine species and damage to human health. His urgency was to create regulations or laws to reduce the use in Mazatlan.

“It was a good exhibition, we were very clear about the need and the urgency, there is no other, we do it or we do it, if we need to promote these reforms, we do need to promote this Law in the matter of the reduction of plastics, especially Once a week, we will have the second meeting to define what to do, because we have Queretaro, Tijuana, and other municipalities where City Councils, through Cabildo, have already done so, and we will take it as a reference. to walk faster, we’re going to do it, “he said.

Mazatlan says yes to the prohibition of single-use plastics

According to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), in Mexico 117 thousand tons of garbage are generated each day, 12 percent are plastics, and less than 10 percent are recycled. In the port, a large part of the waste in tourist areas is precisely one-use plastics.

These items, such as glasses, plates, straws, and grocery bags, are used per minute, but they take 100 to 500 years to degrade.

“It is very likely that in Mazatlan it will be the first municipality in Sinaloa to promote the prohibition of plastic for single use, by going through the Cabildo it becomes a municipal law and merchants will have to abide … yes it is possible, we are talking with the councilors of other committees and we are in the same dynamic, this goes out because it comes out, it is urgent, “commented the coordinator of the Ecology Commission of the Cabildo.

In this regard, Sanjuan Gallardo added that the proposal will be to limit its use to reduce the large quantities little by little, there will be a deadline, and finally the ban will come.


Single-use plastic items are the main pollutants of the oceans, for their resistance remain for centuries becoming a potential threat to marine species. For example, the so-called thermal vessels are composed of polystyrene derivatives, formed by small beads containing expander gas.

Glasses, plates and straws take more than 100 years to degrade.

Supermarket bags, up to 500 years.

Source: tvpacifico

The Mazatlan Post