They propose that passengers pay for cancellation of the NAIM


Is your New Year’s purpose to travel abroad in 2019 ?, we do not want your wishes to be frustrated, but next year you could get more expensive international flights in the AICM.

As you know, after the cancellation of the New Mexico International Airport (NAIM), the Mexican government launched the repurchase of bonds to cushion the financial losses.

How much would international flights increase in the AICM?

As it turns out, one of the proposals offered to convince the bondholders is to increase the Airport Use Tariff (TUA) of international flights by 26.9%. Yes, this fare is what the passenger covers when buying a plane ticket.

In addition, with the new proposal made by the MexCat Trust, the floor of the international TUA would be raised to $44.07 dollars and to $23.20 that of nationals, according to a Reform investigation.

Other causes of non-compliance are also added, this to guarantee the collection of this fee in the AICM and thus maintain an adequate level in the coverage index.

Within these, it is contemplated that operations begin any airport within a radius of 70 kilometers around the current airport of the city and that the Toluca Airport manages to generate traffic above 5 million passengers per year.

Source: Chilango, Reforma

The Mazatlan Post