Despite mexican media announcing economic bankruptcy, China will seek more trade relations with Mexico


Many have speculated about the possible “flight of capital” foreigners for the cancellation of the NAICM, however the elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has said that there is no need to fear the destabilization of the country, but on the contrary, the world a sample that works will be made without traces of corruption.
He pointed out that his country wants to invest in Mexico, especially in infrastructure works such as ports, trains or airports, even in Mexico City.

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According to information from the Herald of Mexico , the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, Qiu Xiaoqi said in an interview for that medium that China is willing to increase its economic relationship with Mexico, including investing in airports, said the ambassador.

“For a long time we have tried to participate in the development of infrastructure, Mexico has a great need to improve on highways, airports, tracks and hydraulic works.”

He also recalled that the new airport in Beijing, one of the largest in the world, began to be built almost at the same time as the New Mexico International Airport and his country built it in a “shorter and cheaper” period.

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It is worth mentioning that the Chinese ambassador was the first ambassador to visit the President-elect after winning the election.

He stressed that his country intends to import ten trillion dollars . It is, he said, a nation of 1,500 million people, eager to consume Mexican products such as avocado, which is one of its favorite fruits.

The Mazatlan Post News Team