In accordance with the speed of population growth and the economy.
– It requires a concert of several strategies.
Eugene Towle, Partner-Director of Softec, noted that the country’s real estate sector, which includes urban, industrial, commercial, office and housing equipment, has a growth rate that requires a strong injection of capital to overcome the important lag that it keeps regarding the growth rate of the country. “Currently, they are reversed $ 603,000 million pesos a year in the real estate sector, when the market and the demographic demand to increase the investment to $ 1.4 billion pesos annually. If we fail to respond to this goal, we will continue to fall into disorderly growth, improvisation in urban development, restrictive policies, erosion, unnecessary increase, marginalized areas, forced migration and patches of urban equipment. In short, in useless, complicated and expensive cities, “he said.
The specialist explained that in Mexico every hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year, 114 homes are produced and live, 240 workers are incorporated into the labor force and seven hectares of the urban area are added. Each home occupies an average investment of 750 thousand pesos and each job 800 thousand, only in real estate. ” It is crucial that you understand the investment speed that is required and the haste to do it. MEXICO HAPPENS! “He said.
Eugene Towle added that in order to overcome the general real estate backwardness of the country, different strategies of investment, public policies, financing, redefinition and promotion of cities must be combined, as well as the detonation of strategic infrastructure.
The challenges and agenda are:
• Recognize the urgent need for real estate development.
• Facilitate the purchase of the next house.
• Credit insurance mechanisms.
• A system for creating an urban land with the speed required by the market, which includes risk capital and financing mechanisms.
• Recreate a credit system for non-members.
About Softec :
Softec was founded in 1980 and since 1988 it has specifically monitored the offer generated by housing developers throughout the country. Design tools for decision making and risk reduction in the mortgage market. It is a consulting company specializing in consulting for the real estate sector and mortgage finance. Participates in the modeling of mortgage products, a design of strategies and general advice for the real estate industry. He has extensive experience in the feasibility analysis of real estate developments. Public 120 specialized reports and carries out more than 350 market studies per year.