Morena uses a majority in the Senate to reject “casetazo” Toll Road price increase


Faced with the proposal to increase the cost of toll roads and highways, senators argued that the increase would bring inflationary consequences.

The bench of Morena in the Senate exercised its majority and voted against discussing an urgent and obvious resolution agreement, to ask the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation ( SCT ) to cancel the increase in toll rates, known as the ” casetazo ” and that to say of National Action and Citizen Movement will impact in an inflationary spiral.  In the session, both banks presented different points of agreement to ask the SCT for an increase.  In the case of PAN party, the bench asked to submit an urgent and obvious resolution, which was rejected by an economic majority, and President Martí Batres turned the issue to commissions, although these have not been integrated.  Senator Kenia Lopez asked to re-vote on electronic board, because the vote was not clear, to which Batres replied that the turn had already been made and, in any case, as no commissions will be sent to the Coordination Board Politics.  At that time, the plenary session showed half of its members, given that before the suspension of food or snacks in the Senate, more than one legislator went out to eat and the majority of those present were from Morena. Also, the senator of Movimiento Ciudadano, Verónica Delgadillo, proposed that the Senate exhort the holders of the SCT, Federal Roads and Bridges and the National Bank of Works (Banobras) to cancel the increase to the toll rates of the federal highway network. He said that the increase will accelerate the inflationary spiral in this year, to the detriment of the economy of families and companies, since the service on some highways is not of the quality that users demand, due to unfinished maintenance works.  He demanded that, in addition, the head of Capufe be asked to make clear the income obtained in the last two years, derived from the fees related to the payment of fees.  He recalled that the increase in toll rates occurred in 37 highways and clearances, as well as in three international bridges, where it increased by 12 to 18 percent and if a Mexican traveled from Tijuana to Cancun, it would have to pay for a car 22 thousand pesos.