There are vacancies: Mazatlán hotels plan to close 2024 with 75% occupancy


Although this sun, beach and culture destination closed November with 50.6 percent occupancy, the expectations of hotel entrepreneurs is that this year-end activity will close with up to 75 percent, said José Ramón Manguart Sánchez.

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The president of the 3 Islas Hotel Association said that Mazatlán and Sinaloa are facing important challenges, but thanks to the actions that are being carried out to position the destination and the strengthening of security, the port is regaining its momentum.

“And much of this is due precisely to the actions that have been taken in the area of ​​promotion of the caravan that has just ended, which was from November 24 to December 4, which visited nine cities and at the same time, the actions on the whole issue of guaranteeing more roads, and that has allowed people to gradually regain that confidence.”

He stressed that recovering certainty in the port will not be automatic, so it is important to maintain efforts to generate guarantees and that road tourism is gradually reestablished.

The hotel entrepreneur stated that although he does not have the data for 2023, this projection from December 26 to January 2 of next year, should be less than last year due to the insecurity that is currently being experienced, but that they are working with promotions to encourage demand.

“We also see that charter tourism is already beginning to arrive in the city, it is a matter of time and patience. These are moments that we already had in some way, what happened in September, October, November, I think that the worst is over, I think, and that right now we are going in the upward inertia,” concluded Manguart Sánchez.

Source: lineadirectaportal