The executive director of the Conselva civil association mentions that Sinaloa has a very high level of water vulnerability due to the level of resource extraction, but there is still time to solve it
MAZATLÁN.- There is a worldwide crisis with water and locally we are not left behind; However, there is a way to solve it from the home to the legislature, said Sandra Guido Sánchez, executive director of Conselva, Costas y Comunidades.
She mentioned that Sinaloa has a very high level of water vulnerability due to the level of extraction of water resources that we have, which is quite high and only in Mazatlán, around 47 percent of the water is wasted.
Therefore, her proposal as an environmental association is to work on public policies that are aimed at reusing gray water and black water.
“The reuse does not even sound like it is a total absurdity, at this time we must promote a water reuse policy and that is up to the state, it is up to the state initiatives in terms of reuse of gray water, black water, the separation of them, because it is absurd that they are in the same drain and this can be promoted, ”she declared.
Greywater is wastewater that comes from showers, bathtubs, and sinks, it has a low content of fecal matter. Although the water from kitchens and washing machines is also greywater, it is generally not recycled due to the high level of contamination it contains.
On the other hand, black waters are those that are also known as wastewater or sewage. All these terms refer to water obtained after human intervention, which alters its natural composition due to organic and chemical waste.
Guido Sánchez pointed out that water and sanitation cannot be achieved if you do not have healthy ecosystems and, addressing this with local public policies, water can be obtained and guaranteed for future generations.
“It is about making efficient use of water, if you open the tap to wash your hands you can do it with 20 liters and not with 80 liters and if you reuse that water to wash your plants you are helping the planet, these little actions at home work and if you do it as a public policy, they are actions that you must be taking to be able to face a water crisis that is going to come soon,” she said.
Although JUMAPAM, she commented, is dedicated to reusing water, it is not enough, subdivisions, hotels, companies, the same homes have to be added and fall into the awareness that, even if it rains a lot, it does not mean that it is guaranteed water for human use.