Mazatlan hoteliers expect that “patriotic weekend” holiday will bring a tourist bonanza to the port


They register good reservations for the remainder of September; so they hope they will be excellent days.

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. – September arrived and with it the first bridge of the 2022-2023 School Year, so the tourism sector expects an increase in hotel occupancy in the port, said José Gámez Valle, representative of the Association of Hotels and Tourist Companies of Mazatlan.

He said that the second half of September promises to be excellent, since in addition to the so-called “patriotic bridge”, there are also a series of events in which there are good reservations .

The tourist highlighted that the hotels on Del Mar Avenue report occupancy levels of 50 percent during normal weekends, however, for the next bridge on September 15, a significant increase in visitors is expected and an increase of up to 90 percent.

“The bridge and every weekend of the last weekend of each month, full, the teachers have a meeting that I don’t know what it’s called, and that meeting goes on, I already saw it on the calendar, so, bridge and all the very good weekends in occupation”, he commented.

Gámez Valle assured that the expectation is high due to the good results obtained in the summer.

He affirmed that to this tourist bonanza is added the next arrival of Canadian tourists and tourists from the north of the United Stateswho “flee” from the cold and take refuge in Mazatlan during October, November, December, and January.

The tourist leader added that, as of the return to classes, occupations during the week fell by 50 percent, but it improves on weekends.

The Mazatlan Post