Gastronomy and culture of Mazatlan Sinaloa arrive in Leon Guanajuato


León, Gto.- Yesterday in the city of León, Guanajuato, a gastronomic sample of the culinary benefits of Mazatlan was organized, an exhibition for Guanajuato authorities, hoteliers, businessmen, organizers of large events such as the León Fair, Festival de Globo, among other personalities such as Héctor Tejeda, president of Concanaco ServyTur.

This exhibition was organized by the Mayor of Mazatlán, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres through the Municipal Institute of Culture, Tourism and Art directed by José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, to promote the tourist and cultural attractions of the Port.

In addition to the prestigious Mazatlan gastronomy, artistic talent was shown through the Folkloric Ballet of Culture who combined their show with the Banda Lirio de Guanajuato making a perfect mix of the cultures of both cities.

The beauty of Mazatlan women, the joy and hubbub of Carnival and all the attractions offered by the Port were exposed through this event, which left the attendees with a good taste, who said they were excited to visit Mazatlan and work on large projects. tourist and commercial.

Con paella, Químico Benítez promocionó a Mazatlán frente a representantes de CANACO Nacional


The Mazatlan Post