Even with increased tourism across Mexico, Mazatlán remains in first place as favorite destination


According to DataTur, Mazatlán closed with 56.71 percent in occupancy above Los Cabos, Puerto Vallarta, and Cancun

MAZATLÁN.- Once again and without brake, Mazatlán remains in the lead and in the first position of hotel occupancy until November, according to the DataTur page, a federal government page that records the percentages of occupancy of destinations month after month.

This places it as the favorite tourist destination above the other traditional destinations and the Integrally Planned Centers, which in previous years surpassed Mazatlán with a large percentage difference.

The page shows that Mazatlán closed with 56.71 percent of the occupation; followed by Los Cabos, with 54.67 percent; Puerto Vallarta follows with 54.57, and Cancun with 53.93 percent. That plus what is added in the month of December with the end of the year festivities.

Given this, José Ramón Manguart Sánchez, president of the “Tres Islas” Hotel Association, said that for the second consecutive year this positioning is achieved, derived from a transformation in the urban image and the sum of attractions that have managed to keep them as the favorite, in addition to good terrestrial connectivity.

“We have several challenges, national air connectivity, promotion, maintaining the tourist image and being able to continue implementing projects that generate added value to the destination,” he declared.

Manguart Sánchez pointed out that this phenomenon in Mazatlán did not occur like this since the ’70s or 80’s, therefore, 2022 should be more intense in terms of promotion, taking care of sanitary protocols, and not letting down the guard, that the authorities and the sector follow going hand in hand so that he does not get out of this position.

In addition, he said that the authorities together with the sector already have to plan a strategy to improve roads, as it is well known that in perception studies, the biggest complaint from the visitor focuses on the avenues and the girls that are staying for a city ​​like Mazatlán.

“Mazatlán 20 years ago had around 7,500 rooms, right now there are around 12,000 or 13,000 plus 5,000 vacation rentals, but its avenues are the same… what would be prudent? Look for alternatives through the Implan ”, he said.

‘Christmas and New Years to the brim’

By the end of the year, the hotelier pointed out that the occupations of this month, on the occasion of Christmas and the New Year, room occupancy will be above 70 percent, with the possibility of increasing little by little in the following days.

Overflows in reservations for Christmas Eve and New Years

The president of Fecanaco pointed out that bars, clubs and restaurants register a strong demand

For Christmas Eve and the end of the year, bars, clubs and restaurants, as well as hotels in Mazatlán, exceed the demand for reservations, highlighted Miguel Hernández Fonseca.

The president of the Federation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism in Sinaloa said that the reserves are mainly for families from other areas of Sinaloa, the country and even abroad.

He explained that even, according to the registered data, there are spaces that exceed the demand for reservations that like to go to the port of Mazatlán to say goodbye to the year.

“In terms of tourism, commercial issues, clubs, restaurants, and entertainment venues, Mazatlán is a classic place for people from Durango, Culiacán, Torreón and also from the United States to come to Mazatlán. as their end-of-year vacation spot, ”he said.

“On December 24 in the restaurants, we have data that there are up to 100 percent reservations, and on the theme of December 31, which is the classic New Year’s Eve party, we already have an overflow in the reservation books ”.

Hernández Fonseca commented that, unlike last year, where the Covid-19 pandemic remained even more limiting, this 2021 marks another panorama for the economic activity of the various sectors, but that it is necessary that the guard not be lowered and in that they collaborate with the authorities.

Source: datatur.sectur.gob.mx, elsoldemazatlan.com.mx, punto.mx

The Mazatlan Post