Mazatlan International Theater Scene Festival arrives with world-class performances


The event includes a week of shows that brings together world-class actors and dancers

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The 2021 Mazatlán International Theater Scene Festival will take place at the Angela Peralta Theater from October 04 to 08 and will meet local and national artists through four shows

At a press conference led by the director of the Municipal Institute of Culture, Tourism and Arts of MazatlánJosé Ángel Tostado Quevedo, the actors Luis Rábago and José Carlos Rodríguez from the National Theater Company, gave part of the details of this Festival that each Once the theater and its artistic community are strengthened more, in this edition number 10 the billboard includes plays, workshops, and contemporary dance.

Mazatlán Scene Festival arrives with world-class performances.

This Monday began the acting course “Creation of character” taught by José Carlos Rodríguez Martínez, actor of the National Theater Company, which proposes within the objectives of the workshop to deepen the concept of acting as art and work on the versatility of the actors, the classes are given at Casa Haas, at 10:00 am, includes 4 days of learning from October 04 to 07 and has a cost of 500 pesos.

Mazatlán Scene Festival arrives with world-class performances.

On the second day of activities, this Tuesday, October 05, at the Angela Peralta Theater, at 8:00 p.m., the staging of Ashes, a  work directed by Master Luis Ibar through the Cartaphilus Teatro Company, a show by physical theater and video art for adult audiences. 

Mazatlán Scene Festival arrives with world-class performances.

On Wednesday, the play Caneros will arrive at TAP, a production that thanks to its great success managed to be presented in Mexico City, receiving great compliments from the artistic community and the general public, in which guests of the Luis Rábago National Theater Company perform. and José Carlos Rodríguez and the actors of Iguana Roja JosarJosé Manzanilla and Alejandro Careaga. 

Caneros talks about a group of people who, while in prison, have found an escape from their reality in the theater.  

Mazatlán Scene Festival arrives with world-class performances.

Roberto Cázares, will arrive together with the producer and actor Víctor Hernández with Radio Piporro and the grandchildren of Don Eulalio from the La Canavaty Company, originally from Monterrey, will be the work that adorns the fourth day of activities of this festival, on Thursday at the TAP, at At 8:00 pm, the staging recounts the myth of Perros Bravos Nuevo León, the place where time, thought and Eulalio González “El Piporro”, a precursor of the norteño language, ambassador of the Northwest of Mexico and figure of holiness for his faithful followers: “the grandsons of Don Eulalio”. 

Mazatlán Scene Festival arrives with world-class performances.

To close with a flourish Mazatlan Scene, the Delfos Contemporary Dance Company will present on October 8th at the same venue “Simple things”, a visual, physical, and sound investigation that seeks to delve into these questions in an attempt to regain silence interior, that invisible space for the gaze, but tangible for the intuition.

Mazatlán Scene Festival arrives with world-class performances.

The actor Roberto Cázares of the staging “Radio  

Tickets for the different functions are already on sale at the Theater box office, prices range from 200 to 100 pesos.


The Mazatlan Post