The federal government reported three cases of animals infected with COVID-19; two dogs in CDMX and one in the State of Mexico

The dogs were subjected to molecular PCR tests and are out of danger, according to the United States-Mexico Commission for the Prevention of Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Other Exotic Diseases of Animals (CPA), dependent on the National Service of Health and Safety of the Food (Senasica).

The authorities say that, so far, it has not been shown that infected animals can transmit the disease to humans.

On the other hand, the CPA received 25 notifications from veterinarians from 12 states of the country where there are possible positive cases of COVID-19 in animals, namely: 16 dogs, 8 cats, and a Bengal tiger.

In Mexico City, six cases were reported and two were positive; in Edomex they reported three of which one was positive; while the cases reported as suspects that tested positive occurred in Baja California, Chiapas, Hidalgo, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Querétaro, and Yucatán.

“We have detected 3 positive cases by the PCR technique, which is the same one used for people,” Roberto Navarro López, director of the CPA, told Milenio.

Mexiko I Coronavirus

Meanwhile, the infected dogs have no relationship with each other and are stable. For now, they are being analyzed by Senasica biosafety scientists and will subsequently perform serological tests to determine if they generated antibodies.

“They are victims of some rapprochement with their owners who may have been infected. That animals in turn are transmitting the disease has not been proven.


Although it is known that animals can get SARS-CoV-2 or other types of coronavirus, the World Health Organization (WHO) denied that companion animals can transmit COVID-19 to humans, as there is no evidence that are a source of contagion.

Until a few weeks ago, the WHO noted that there was no evidence that dogs were at risk from being in the care of a person infected with COVID-19, but that cats could be more susceptible.

Although the evidence is scant, the Organization recommends humans who have COVID-19 limit their contact with animals as much as they would with another human being.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US, infected dogs and cats have been reported in several countries; the first was a tiger at the New York Zoo, United States.

“Large cats in captivity have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Several lions and tigers from the New York Zoo, a cougar in South Africa and tigers from a zoo in Tennessee all tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 after showing signs of respiratory disease. “

Infected minks were also reported in various parts of the world, such as in Denmark, where more than 10.2 million minks were killed for fear that they could spread a new mutation of the virus to humans.

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Mexico Daily Post