Mazatlán’s “Tianguis del Centro” is in total abandonment


The few remaining stores of what was once one of the most important clothing points of sale in Mazatlan, El Tianguis Genaro Estrada, also known as Tianguis del Centro, had an increase in sales during the Christmas season.

And despite the abandonment in which the building is today, the Mazatlecos still go there to buy clothes.

Today the tianguis del centro looks in deplorable conditions, the remaining tenants, who are less than 10, ensure that they have been told that the building might be sold, and in such case, they will get evicted.

In the 90’s the Tianguis del Centro lived its best times, with 50 stores that offered all kinds of products, from clothing, to electronics and household items. But in 2019, the facility is in terrible conditions and only 10 stores remain in operation.

Tianguis del Centro (Photo: OEM)

Juan Ramón, founder of the tianguis, adds that the place has been left to rotten, he added that in its times of success, the tianguis had approximately 50 tenants, but today the whole building is totally abandoned.

“There used to be more than 50 successfull businesses here back in the day, The tianguis was full of customers all year long, but in the last ten years, the complex has been abandoned and sadly, this is how it looks today” Juan Ramón concluded.

The Mazatlan Post