IPN Mazatlan announces “Condominium Administration” course


This course aims to give the necessary tools to workers in this area and is given because of the recent high rise of condominium construction in the port.

The Center for Continuing  Education of the National Polytechnic Institute Unit Mazatlan, announced a course – condominium administration training, which is aimed at professionals in the real estate area, addressing issues such as general concepts, legal frameworks, financial aspects, and conflict management, Margarita said Palma Lizárraga, Head of Continuing Education.

He mentioned that after a study that showed that an improvement in the development of the activity is needed, it was how he opted to offer this update to those who belong to the said sector and its derivatives.

For his part, Francisco Javier Vargas, condominium expert, stressed that this course aims to give the necessary tools to workers in this area. He mentioned that this type of workshop is given the great increase of condominium buildings in the port.

This administration course will take place in two periods: from November 26 to 28 and from December 3 to 4 at a  time of 4:00 to 8:00.

This training includes a certificate with curricular value and registration with the SEP and the IPN. For more information, visit the offices of the Institute, located in the Federal Palace.

Source: tvpacifico

The Mazatlan Post
