Expert in the field, she also explained that not only businessmen and workers in that sector benefit but a whole society that lives in places that receive taxes for foreign visitors

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Generating greater awareness among the inhabitants of a region and citizens traveling to other destinations within Mexico, is what is needed in the country to care for and preserve the tourist destinations that both benefit the economy, said María Luisa Solís Ibarra, specialist in this branch and in the development of tourism companies.

Therefore, he argued that it is necessary to train the staff that has direct treatment with the tourist to let him know that not because they are visiting a place, where they do not reside, that for nothing means stop respecting the rules that exist there .

“Both the one in the place, who knows why he should preserve it, but the one who also comes to know that there is a code of conduct to the place where he visits, because when we go to other countries we know how we can behave and what is what we should not do, but it must also apply to destinations in Mexico. ”

Similarly, Solís Ibarra explained that tourism is not only important for workers and entrepreneurs in that sector, but also for citizens in general, since the taxes that the visitor leaves generate greater growth in different areas.
“If tourists come, they generate taxes, and therefore these taxes are used to make infrastructures at the destination, they serve to make infrastructures at the destination, that is, the money does not remain in a single group, but is used for the development of the community, so I think that is where a little socialization is failing. ”

That Mexico is the sixth most visited country in the world, means that society generates greater awareness in the two points mentioned above to take care of its heritage and understand the growth and economic development that exists thanks to it.

The expert in the area, concluded by saying that the fact that Sinaloa is complemented with other types of tourism such as religious, business, historical and village, makes the visits varied, since when it comes to the Sun and beach destination as many of the travelers begin their journey in the state, being in place, they have more alternatives for people to return.
Source: linea directa
The Mazatlan Post