Mazatlan invited to Tokyo’s World Ocean Summit 2020


Since 2012, the World Ocean Summit has been the premier global event at which policymakers, business leaders, campaigners and scientists have gathered for a full and frank discussion about building a truly “blue” economy. This means harnessing ocean resources for economic growth while at the same time protecting the environment and ensuring social equity >>

Reflecting the international nature of the ocean, the summit is held on a different continent each year. On 9-10 March 2020, the World Ocean Summit will be held in Tokyo. Japan is one of the world’s foremost maritime nations with a long and rich history with the ocean. Since antiquity, the sea has played a central role in its economy, culture and society >>

The World Ocean Summit is the centrepiece of The Economist Group’s World Ocean Initiative. The Initiative provides insight and analysis on the greatest challenges facing the seas and progress towards building the blue economy >>

The ocean economy is predicted to double in size to US$3trn by 2030. Key sectors driving this growth include renewable energy, financial services, consumer goods, fisheries and aquaculture, ports and shipping, tourism and leisure, and pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Yet the ocean also faces increasing threats from climate change, overfishing, habitat loss and plastic pollution >>

The blue economy creates opportunities for economic development to take place in environmentally sustainable and socially equitable ways. For example, the transition to a clean, low-carbon economy is driving innovations such as the switch to electrification and alternative fuels to decarbonise the shipping sector, developing new packaging materials and circular economy solutions to reduce plastic pollution, and valuing natural coastal infrastructure to channel finance towards ecosystem restoration through blue bonds.

The World Ocean Initiative analyses developments in the blue economy, providing a forum for stakeholders in government, business and civil society to share their successes, and constructive criticism where their aspirations fall short and action is needed. Many of our stories and research will be sparked by discussions at the World Ocean Summit. We are also excited about launching original research about the blue economy, produced by the Initiative, at the summit.

The Mazatlan Post with information from ps://