AMLO government orders mayors to hire 100 foreign migrants each and must pay 130 pesos per day


Boca del Río, Ver.- While in the municipalities of the zone the family disintegration continues due to migration to other States and even to the North American country, the Federal Government headed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, requested through the federal delegate , to the mayors, hire each of them, 100 foreign migrants seeking to reduce the flow to the United States, a situation that caused controversy among the Municipal Presidents.

This Thursday, a meeting of mayors took place, inside a meeting room located in a downtown hotel, which was headed by the Senator with a license and now he is Secretary of Productive Inclusion and Territorial Rural Development of the Javier Welfare Secretariat May Rodríguez, the Federal Delegate in Veracruz Manuel Huerta Ladrón de Guevara, as well as the Secretary of Government Erick Patrocinio Cisneros.

Several mayors said outside recorders that this measure seems unfair because there is already much unemployment in their municipalities because there are NO investments, and now they are forced to hire migrants

The Municipal Presidents of Coatzacoalcos, Acayucan, Jáltipan, Texistepec, Oluta, Ciudad Isla, Rodríguez Clara and Córdoba, were present in all of them, through which the railroad tracks that are commonly used in the passage of migrants pass , and where the Government of Mexico is committed to reducing the flow rates of each of them .

Among other issues concerning security in the municipalities, the central and specific theme was to implement the strategies of the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, that is, to contract in each municipality 100 foreign migrants, this means that each Mayor, will use all of them in the tasks of the Municipal Government and whose salary will be covered by the Federal Government.

They will be contracts for three months, the intention of the Government is that the migrants do not continue their way to the United States, fulfilling in this country a work from Monday to Friday with days of 8 hours and receiving a salary of 130 pesos a day, we talk about 3 thousand 900 pesos per month for each one

Presumably the federal government will give 390 thousand pesos in each municipality; If we rely on the 8 municipalities that were present at the meeting and where not all have said yes, assuming they would take part in this measure of the Federal Government, we would be talking about that only in these 8, that the Federal Government would be supplying a $ 3 million 120 thousand pesos for foreign migrants each month; We reiterate, only in this small part of the territory of Veracruz.

The Federal Government could well invest this money in low-income families, and return programs such as Prospera that, as we all know, became the “Benito Juárez” scholarships, the day laborers provide them with a unique support of approximately 1,300 pesos, the Government AMLO seeks to eradicate the flow of foreign migrants through the country but do not prevent their access, and does not seek by Mexican families in the sense, we insist, that the heads of family continue to migrate to the north of the country, working in the lemon cutting, tomato, assembly, and other activities, just waiting for the Government to provide them with the opportunities they are offering to foreign migrants .

Some mayors considered this measure unjust because they regret that support has been taken from Mexicans, to be delivered now, by orders of AMLO to the migrants, when it is the presidents of their countries who must solve the problem.

Source: plumaslibres,

The Mazatlan Post