Sinaloa will host the second Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation


Quirino Ordaz Coppel, governor of Sinaloa confirmed that the state will host the second National Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation

Mazatlan, Sinaloa .- As a result of the agreement and the efforts of Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel, with the new policy undertaken by CONACYT, Sinaloa will host the second National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation (CNCTI).

The event to be held in the port of Mazatlan, next October, will be chaired by the head of CONACYT, Dr. María Elena Álvarez-Buylla, and will bring together the 32 representatives of state agencies in the field.

This was announced by Ing. Bernardino Antelo Esper, General Director of the Institute for the Support of Research and Innovation (INAPI), who attended the first ordinary session of the year, of the CNCTI, in which the topics of Development were analyzed. Regional, Funds and Strategic National Programs with the presence of the Governor of the State of Oaxaca, Alejandro Murat Hinojosa and Senator Beatriz Paredes, President of the Senate Science and Technology Committee as special guests; the National Network of State Councils and Organizations of Science and Technology (Rednacecyt) and the presentation of the results of the State Consultation Forums held last March.

For Sinaloa, the realization of this event as host state, is of the greatest relevance, given the value that the administration of Quirino Ordaz Coppel grants to science, technology and innovation, as a strategy for the promotion of economic development and wellbeing social, reflected in the State Development Plan and the Sectoral Science Program (2017-2021), commented the General Director of INAPI.

The National Science Conference, the Information Technology and Innovation, aims to promote actions to support activities related to science-based development, promotion of scientific vocations and their connection as well as participating in the definition of policies and programs in the field.

Source: el debate

The Mazatlan Post