President Lopez Obrador said that the same ProMéxico pretend to take advantage of the sargassum to embezzle the funds there
In the opinion of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, those who disagree with the elimination of the ProMéxico Trust are the same ones who intend to take advantage of the growing arrival of sargasso on Mexican coasts.
At a press conference, he endorsed the idea that the presence of macroalga is not to be alarmed and that it is the product of excessive and uncontrolled use of agrochemicals in other countries, according to researchers.
“They have wanted to be alert by severity, alarm, they want to use the funds that are available for this purpose in a discretionary manner and this can not be done anymore, it will not be allowed,” said López Obrador.
He explained that the money for ProMéxico was embezzled and sent to accounts abroad and that the protesters began to demonstrate against their government after they learned that the investment that was for them, ended up earmarked for the construction of the Mayan Train.
The president added that the Secretariat of the Navy ( Semar ) and the Conacyt work in coordination with several agencies to address the problem of sargassum.
Money lost in the fight against sargassum dates from 2015
The government of Roberto Borge in the state of Quintana Roo was part of the millionaire fraud that would have been committed in the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto with the Sargasso.
Borge administration passed, in 2015 alone, at least 56 million pesos of that resource, which should have served to clean the beaches and acquire machinery, but whose destination is uncertain.
The Secretary of the Navy announced days ago that in total it is about 800 million pesos that were used during the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto, of which there is little trace.
There was no plan or teaching for the fight against sargassum, and neither is much of the machinery used
This Wednesday, Governor Carlos Joaquin said part of that machinery is in loan in Puerto Morelos. However, there is another machinery that has not been used.
According to the data released by the Navy, in 2015 a total of 180 million pesos were allocated for Sargasso, 150 million pesos contributed by the Fonden and 30 million pesos by Fonatur. ( Today the High Level Meeting for Sargasso Attention begins in Cancun ).
However, a resource from Semarnat came to Quintana Roo, which is the one the state government tracked down.
According to an internal report of the Government, 11,992,157 pesos were allocated in the “Program of Emerging Actions for the Leasing of Machinery for the Removal, Collection, Transport and Final Disposition of Sargasso in the Coasts of Quintana Roo”.
The money was for rental of machinery in various municipalities.
A Othon P. Blanco was around 2.7 MDP, and 10 dump trucks, skid steer loaders, tractors, hydraulic equipment, containers were rented, and various freight and services were paid.
Almost 2.6 million pesos were destined to Tulum to rent 3 tippers and 4 Bob Cat Caterpillar, among other things.
For Benito Juarez were 2.9 MDP for 7 dumpers, 9 Bob Cat, and a front loader and two retro loaders.
And for Cozumel were 1.3 MDP for similar equipment.
The other project was the “Program of emerging actions for the cleaning of sargassum on the beaches of the coast of Quintana Roo”.
An amount of 44,479,391 pesos was allocated. The money was put by Semarnat through a collaboration agreement with the state.
Almost one million pesos were allocated for “diagnostic studies”; 1.2 million for “acquisition, supply and installation of 723 meters of reflection barrier to protect 670 meters of beach”, and 2.9 million for “acquisition, supply and installation of transpirtadras bands of aquatic weeds”.
It was an amphibious band of 20 meters with engine, that was thrown.
In addition, 2.2 million were spent on a tractor with a sweeper, almost 6 million on a collection vessel, 700 thousand pesos on a Catamaran de Recolección (which is the one in Puerto Morelos on loan) 135 thousand pesos on a transport trailer, and 416 thousand pesos in a “sargasso transport vehicle”.
The machinery acquired, when it was found, was abandoned and unused.
When the administration of Carlos Joaquín reviewed how this money had been spent, he found that 30 MDP would have been used by Fonatur Mantenimiento to clean the beaches, but there was no information on how the cleaning was carried out, with what machinery or how many people. made.
Theoretically, 10 kilometers of beach were cleaned in Tulum (3 of the National Park and 7 of the hotel zone) more than 27 thousand cubic meters were collected at a cost of 10.4 MP.
In Othon P. Blanco, 4 kilometers were cleaned in Mahahual; more than 7600 cubic meters were collected at a cost of 2.8 MDP.
In Solidarity, 10 kilometers were cleaned; 22 thousand cubic meters were collected and the cost was 8.3 MDP.
And in Cozumel 7 kilometers were cleaned; 22700 cubic meters were collected and 8.5 MDP was paid for the work. (Source: La Opinión de Quintana Roo)
Source: nitu, López-Dóriga Digital
The Mazatlan Post