Mazatlan: Inauguration of New Aquarium and Tourist Bicycle program


Friday at 9:00 am, the federal secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco, accompanied by Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel and the mayor of Mazatlan, Guillermo Benítez Torres, will lay the first stone of the new Aquarium Mar de Cortés, informed the local mayor himself In an interview.

Benitez Torres also said that later they will move to the Malecón to inaugurate, in a first stage, the tourist bicycle program “Muévete Chilo” with a cost of 5 pesos for the use of one section to another or for the time in which it is used. He indicated that he has already signed the respective agreement.

The mayor informed that a similar program will have to start in the Linear Park for those who “come from Clouthier Avenue can reach the international highway to Culiacán. He pointed out that the roundabouts will be fixed so that this ecological and economic transport will be easier.

He added that in a short time there will be another bicycle route open on Rafael Buelna Avenue and connect with Avenida del Mar and close the circle with Gutiérrez Nájera Avenue towards Gabriel Leyva and enter through Juan Pablo.

The laying of the first stone of the new Mazatlan Aquarium will be part of the Central Park tourist complex that they hope will be finished in two years.

Resultado de imagen para parque central mazatlan

Source: El Debate, Sel

The Mazatlan Post