MEXICO: DIALING WITH ‘044’, ‘045’ AND ’01’ WILL BE DELETED IN AUGUST 2019 Check the new cell phone and long distance dialing

The Federal Institute of Telecommunications approved the changes so that the numbering and dialing of fixed and mobile telephony is only 10 digits; will enter into force on August 3, 2019

The Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT) approved the changes so that the numbering and dialing of fixed and mobile telephony are only 10 digits and different prefixes are eliminated.

The measure aims to have a 10-digit uniform and simplified national marking, and will enter into force on August 3, 2019, as approved in the Fundamental Numbering Technical Plan , the Fundamental Technical Plan for Signaling and the Modification to the Portability Rules. Numeric, which also contemplate the elimination of various prefixes in the dialing.

As well as 044, used to call a national mobile phone in the “calling party pays” mode , the 045 prefix will also disappear , used to dial national long distance from a landline to a cell phone with national numbers.

The digits 01 will also be dismissed -for calls to Non-Geographic Numbers and national long distance calls, and the 1st in international long distance calls to mobile phones under “The caller pays” .

According to the regulator, the benefits obtained are the implementation of a 10-digit uniform dialing nationwide , guarantee the availability of numbering to all Telecommunications Service Providers, simplify and standardize the dialing procedures; carry out a more efficient management of numerical resources and simplify the applicable procedures and implement electronic procedures.

In addition, it allows a more efficient administration of signaling resources and simplifies the applicable procedures and implements electronic procedures.