CAFÉ EL MARINO is a company of Mazatleco origin founded in the year 1950, which by the 1960s had already started to export green coffee, as well as roasted and ground coffee to the United States and Canada. Simultaneously to this great achievement, the subsidiary was created in the city of Guadajalara with the main objective of covering a more extensive Mexican territory by expanding towards the west of the country.
Today, Café El Marino is a leader in the industrialization and commercialization of Coffee and recognized by its multiple awards and certifications.
The loyalty of their customers and their preference for El Marino’s coffee has positioned the brand in a privileged place.
The company seeks to manufacture and distribute products of the highest quality to obtain maximum customer satisfaction, involving all our staff in the pursuit of excellence in quality control.
One of the greater points of pride and commitments for Café El Marino is to have been recognized as a socially and environmentally responsible company, because of its commitment to society, not only to provide and supply quality services and products but also to contribute to preserving the environment, inside and outside our company.
The Mazatlan Post Newsroom