“Play louder”: Foreign tourist annoyed by band ‘noise’ in Mazatlán


A video was spread through TikTok in which a group of musicians from a Sinaloa band can be seen playing a song at full volume to annoy a foreign tourist who looks quite irritated, so he covers his ears to avoid hearing.

The video shows an elderly man, apparently from the United States, being quite upset at a bar due to the sound of the band. While he tries to drink a drink, in the background the voice of the person who is recording can be heard saying: “Harder, louder!”.

The publication has accumulated thousands of views and unleashed a wave of comments. Some users took the situation with humor, while others pointed out that the way in which the musicians bothered the elderly man was quite rude.

“They send the immigration to us, we send the band to them”, “I want to be a gringa so that the band can play for me for free in Mazatlán”, are some of the comments that can be seen in the video.

Months ago, a debate arose over an attempt to ban the Sinaloa band from public spaces such as beaches and parks in Mazatlán, because many foreign tourists were annoyed by the noise generated by the musicians.

This has led to locals encouraging musicians to play louder to annoy tourists, who are mostly elderly.

Mazatlán is known for its banda music and its festive atmosphere, two of the main reasons why it attracts national and foreign tourists.

Turista se molesta ruido banda Mazatlán video

Source: execlsior