State Government Analyzes New Public Transportation Routes in Mazatlán


In Mazatlán, a technical study is being carried out to redesign the transport routes, expand coverage and respond to urban growth and citizen demands, said Marco Antonio Osuna Moreno.

The growth of the urban area in Mazatlán has generated the need to restructure and expand public transport routes in the port, reiterated the director of Roads and Transport in Sinaloa.

He explained that a technical study is currently being carried out to evaluate the feasibility of increasing coverage, implementing new routes or redesigning existing ones.

“We are working on a technical study, a comprehensive analysis that addresses everything as if it were about creating a new route, with the objective of extending the service according to the needs.”

He said that the study will identify the priority areas where it is necessary to expand the routes, grant new permits or reorganize current operations, ensuring a more efficient public transport system in line with the urban growth of Mazatlán.

Osuna Moreno said that this analysis responds to urban development and current mobility demands and to the requests presented by the Alliance of Urban Trucks of Mazatlán and Águilas del Pacífico.

He added that the organizations have pointed out the urgency of addressing areas with high demand for public transportation and without adequate coverage.

The director of Roads and Transportation in the state pointed out that many routes have not been modified in years and that there are unused permits, which makes reengineering necessary to optimize the transportation system.


Source: oem