Two out of ten drivers test positive for doping in Mazatlán: VyT

The delegate of Roads and Transportation in Mazatlán confirmed that two out of ten public transportation drivers test positive in the anti-doping test.

Daniel Brito Rojas explained that to obtain the certificate of aptitude, operators must undergo a drug test and come out clean, this is done every two years; however, random tests have been done in that period and that is where these cases have been detected.

“In fact, when we see some drivers who are suspicious, with certain attitudes without falling into a trial, as part of the procedure for the certificate of attitude we order that the anti-doping be done at an accredited laboratory, accompanied by a Roads and Transportation inspector so that he can also collect the analysis and we have seen that even people who could be suspicious are clean,” he said.

When they test positive, he added, there is an approach with the group in the traffic jam to follow up on their case, meanwhile the driver is suspended until he proves that he is clean in order to be reinstated in the service.

The official indicated that Mazatlán is the municipality that has the most certificates of attitude in the entire state and also has the lowest figures in terms of positive results in the anti-drug test.

Do not stigmatize

Likewise, he called on citizens not to stigmatize public transportation or those who work in this service due to a health issue that can be experienced in any family.

Source: elsoldemazatlan